Heavenly Coaching

Ana Adames

Certified Professional Coach

Inspiring you to step into the best version of yourself!

Contact me!

My Service Purpose

A coach helps you clarify, pursue, and achieve your goals. I'll help you find the courage to do that thing you want to do.

Start with the inner you.

My name is Ana Adames.

I support and accompany a person who is ready to create long-term sustainable changes in their lives. My mission is to provide a safe and powerful place for you to discover the answers you need in order to move forward professionally and personally, with purpose and clarity.

I am a Professional Certified Life Coach with certifications in The Science of the well-being and Emotional Entrepreneurship. I am also a woman of faith and speak fluent Spanish.





Organizational Coaching

Educational Coaching

Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

También en Español

Soy Ana Adames, Coach Profesional de vida. Mi propósito es acompañarte a lograr tus metas, que conviertas tus sueños en realidad para que te sientas una persona realizada y feliz para vivir una vida mejor.


Herramientas Poderosas

Serie de tarjetas disponibles en mi tienda online

Inspirar Auto-Conocimiento

(25 tarjetas)

Preguntas que te ayudan a pensar, reflexionar en tus prioridades, valores y sobre todo conocerte con compasión y amor.


(25 tarjetas)

Frases para que te sirvan de inspiración y motivación.

Conociéndome de la mano de Jesús

(15 tarjetas)

Los versículos de la biblia son una fuente de aliento y fortaleza para todas las mujeres guerreras.

Coach 1:1

I work with clients in confidential sessions, usually over a 6 to 9-month journey. Together, we will find out what is holding you back in life and determine what is right for you to achieve your goals. As you experience breakthroughs in these sessions, you will also receive tools that will help you take action toward breakthroughs and transformation in your life.

If you are a woman ready for this soul-changing work, book a discovery call today.

Group Coaching

This is a way to a commitment that allows you to reap immense value from a structured program and benefit from the support and accountability of others with whom you can relate and share this personal journey.

Key Note

Whether your event requires a keynote presentation, public speaking workshop, corporate training, or a highly professional speaker to inspire and encourage your team to see their greatness, you have come to the right place and found the right person!

"Coaching is a strategy. Prayer is the weapon."

Some testimonials

I want to express my deep gratitude to Mrs. Ana; I felt accompanied, understood, valued, and it helped me express myself more calmly without keeping anything. Exposing my feelings and emotions, I was able to make decisions and changes for a better life.

Marjorie Arias Soto

Some testimonials

Cuando comencé el contrato de coaching con la coach Ana, creía tener una meta y no muy segura de por dónde o cómo comenzar. El proceso fue intenso con lindos aprendizajes y una profunda introspección a conocer mi Ser. Pude apreciar libremente las fortalezas y talentos contenidas en mi caja de herramientas y concluir en no limitar mi hacer. Estoy muy agradecida del acompañamiento de Coach Ana. Llena de energía y confianza al futuro.”

Rosa Ilia Molina

Some testimonials

I enjoy my sessions  with Coach Ana. She made me feel confident I was able to talk to her with my heart. I was able to make decisions to have a better life, finding meaning and connecting with my spiritual side with God. I recommend Ms. Ana 100%!You won’t be disappoint it!

Chelsea Cruz

Questions to Reflect

Do you find yourself reflected on one or more of these questions? If the answer is "Yes", and you are ready to start your transformation, send me a message and let's start a journey of improvement.

Can you harness the confidence you need to live your best life?

Do you feel lost in your current season of life (e.g., motherhood) and can't see your future?

Have you stopped believing in yourself?

I am Here to Help You

During the initial consultation we identify the “pain points” of your life and business situation and construct the best actions to implement to solve those issues.

How does an on-line coaching session works?


Let me know what worries you. Don’t forget to indicate the day and time you are available for your free consultation.


After the free consultation, when you are ready to start your journey, I will send you the payments link (PayPal, Zelle or any other agreed method).


Close to the day of the session, I will email you the Zoom link.

Book your free discovery call today!

© Ana Adames 2021 All rights reserved.